"Knowledge is our greatest defense against the lurking horrors of outer spheres."
Unfortunately due to the nature of my work, I am considered a wanted man in many places, both for
trespassing and destruction of property. As such I cannot reveal much personal information about myself, but
what I can tell you is that I've been seeking arcane knowledge and proof of the paranormal longer than you've
been alive.
However the process of finding this information is often time consuming and dangerous, leading
it to
be a very insular practice, that does not encourage would-be ghost hunters to join our ranks. This site is my
attempt to rectify this issue by compiling the information that I have procured from many dread tomes and from
my own explorations into places most mortals fear to tread. With the technology available in this new era, I
believe it would be possible for anyone to become a paranormal investigator with relative ease, as long as they
have the knowledge, which I am more than happy to provide.